Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Thrifty Kroger Trip

Last night, I ran to Kroger for my weekly shopping trip.

The Rice Krispies, Flip Crackers and Fudgeshoppe cookies were all part of the "$4 off at the Register" promo.
I used a "free" coupon for the Rice Krispies that was mailed to me by Vocal Point.
I used a $1/2 fudgeshoppe cookies coupon found here or on my toolbar.

Raisins were on sale for $1.69
The Charmin was $1.88. I used a $1/1 coupon from a mailer.
The hotdogs were on sale BOGO. I used a $1/2 coupon from the 6/21 Smartsource. They were $1.50/each.
The Activia yogurt was $1.88. I used a $1/1 coupon from the 8/9 Smartsource insert. They were .88!
The Danimals yogurt was on store special for .75. I used a $1/1 coupon from the 8/2 Smartsource, making them better than free!
The 10lb bag of potatoes was $3.79.
I had a Kroger coupon mailed to me for a free Dial soap.

All told, I spent $36.50 for $62.85 of groceries!

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